POWER PLANT: One Heinkel/Hirth HeS 011 turbojet engine, rated at 1.300 kp
COMMENT: End of 1943, the Arado Aircraft Company began work on a series of delta shaped, turbojet powered bombers, to fulfill the request of a “Long Range/High Speed Flying Wing Aircraft”. In fact, most of the (in total 14) projects, designated Ar E.555-1 to -14, had a flying wing configuration because it was thought to be the best design to fulfill a requirement of high speed, heavy loading and long-range aviation. Power was delivered by four to six turbojet engines. Due to the design acceptance by the RLM in early 1944, the Arado design team scaled down the projected, six turbojet engines equipped Arado E.555-1 bomber in same layout to design a smaller size fighter version, the Ar E.581-4. It was a single-seat fighter with a deep fuselage, and was powered by the single HeS 011 turbojet engine fed by a divided air intake under the cockpit. The wing was of a delta shape with the twin fins and rudders on the trailing edge, and the landing gear was of tricycle arrangement. Although work on the project was in progress Arado was ordered to cease all work on the Ar E.581 for concentrating all facility resources on the existing fighter production (Jäger-Notprogramm, Fighter emergency program) (Ref.: 16).
POWER PLANT: Three Pabst/Lorin ramjets at wingtips, rated at 840 kp thrust each. For starting ramjets Walther 109-500 solid-fuel rockets were fitted to each ramjet, rated at 500 kp for 30 seconds each
PERFORMANCE: 621 mph (estimated)
COMMENT: This Focke-Wulf Vertical Take-Off and Landing (VTOL) fighter/interceptor project was designed in September 1944, at the same time when the Heinkel Company worked on its VTOL-projects “Lerche” and “Wespe”. But in contrast to the latter two designs the propulsion system of the Focke-Wulf project was radical different. Three untapered wings rotated around the fuselage and had a gradually decreasing pitch towards the wingtips, thus acting like a giant propeller (“Triebflügel”). At the end of each wing was a Pabst ramjet. Since ramjets do not operate at slow speeds, the wing-rotor had to be driven by small Walter rocket engines, fitted to each ramjet pod. When the plane was sitting on its tail in the vertical position, the rotors would have functioned similarly to a helicopter. When flying horizontally, they would function more like a giant propeller. A cruciform empennage at the rear of the fuselage comprised four tail planes, fitted with moving ailerons that would also have functioned as combined rudders and elevators. A single large and sprung wheel in the extreme end of the fuselage provided the main undercarriage. Four small castoring wheels on extensible struts were placed at the end of each tail plane to steady the aircraft on the ground and allow it to be moved. The main and outrigger wheels were covered by streamlined clamshell doors when in flight. When taking off, the rotors would be angled to give lift as with a helicopter or, more accurately, a gyrodyne. Once the aircraft had attained sufficient altitude it could be angled into level flight. This required a slight nose-up pitch to provide some downward thrust as well as primarily forward thrust. Consequently, the four cannons in the forward fuselage would have been angled slightly downward in relation to the center line of the fuselage. The rotors provided the only significant lift in horizontal flight. To land, the aircraft had to slow its speed and pitch the fuselage until the craft was vertical. Power could then be reduced and it would descend until the landing gear rested on the ground. This would have been a tricky and probably dangerous maneuver given that the pilot would be seated facing upward and the ground would be behind his head at this stage. Unlike some other tail sitter aircraft, the pilot’s seat was fixed in the direction for forward flight. The spinning rotor would also obscure rear vision. Although the “Triebflügeljäger” project was not realized, a wind tunnel model was tested up to a speed of Mach 0.9 (Ref.: 17, 18, 23)
POWER PLANT: One BMW 301D radial engine, rated at 1,870 hp and one BMW 003A-1 turbojet engine, rated at 900 kp
COMMENT: This asymmetric mixed-propulsion ground attack aircraft and dive bomber was designed by Dr. Richard Vogt, Chief engineer of the Blohm & Voss Aircraft Company. The wing was of an unswept, rectangular shape with taper and dihedral on the outer wing panels. The fuselage was slightly offset to the starboard side, to balance the BMW 003A or Heinkel He S 011 turbojet that was slung beneath the port wing. A BMW 801 D radial engine also provided power, this being located in the nose of the fuselage. The tail plane was located forward of the vertical tail on a stepped section of the fin. A conventional landing gear design was chosen for the BV P.204, with the tailwheel retracting backwards into the rear fuselage, while the mail wheels retracted outwards into the wing. Armament consisted of two MG 151/20 20mm cannon with 250 rounds of ammunition located ahead of the cockpit firing through the propeller and two MG 151/20 20mm cannon mounted in the wings firing outside of the propeller arc. There was a provision to mount two MK 103 30mm cannon with 70 rounds of ammunition beneath the wings also. For highly defended targets a Blohm & Voss Bv 246 “Hagelkorn” (“Hailstone”) missile, an automatic guided glide bomb, could be carried externally under the fuselage (Ref.: 16).
Blohm & Voss Bv P. 204 with Blohm & Voss Bv 246 “Hagelkorn” (Hailstone)
Blohm & Voss Bv P. 204 with Blohm & Voss Bv 246 “Hagelkorn” (Hailstone)
Blohm & Voss Bv P. 204 with Blohm & Voss Bv 246 “Hagelkorn” (Hailstone)
Blohm & Voss Bv P. 204 with Blohm & Voss Bv 246 “Hagelkorn” (Hailstone)
Blohm & Voss Bv P. 204 with Blohm & Voss Bv 246 “Hagelkorn” (Hailstone)
Blohm & Voss Bv P. 204 with Blohm & Voss Bv 246 “Hagelkorn” (Hailstone)
Blohm & Voss Bv P. 204 with Blohm & Voss Bv 246 “Hagelkorn” (Hailstone)
Blohm & Voss Bv P. 204 with Blohm & Voss Bv 246 “Hagelkorn” (Hailstone)
Blohm & Voss Bv P. 204 with Blohm & Voss Bv 246 “Hagelkorn” (Hailstone)
Blohm & Voss Bv P. 204 with Blohm & Voss Bv 246 “Hagelkorn” (Hailstone)
Blohm & Voss Bv P. 204 with Blohm & Voss Bv 246 “Hagelkorn” (Hailstone)
Blohm & Voss Bv P. 204 with Blohm & Voss Bv 246 “Hagelkorn” (Hailstone)
Blohm & Voss Bv P. 204 with Blohm & Voss Bv 246 “Hagelkorn” (Hailstone)
Blohm & Voss Bv P. 204 with Blohm & Voss Bv 246 “Hagelkorn” (Hailstone)
Blohm & Voss Bv P. 204 with Blohm & Voss Bv 246 “Hagelkorn” (Hailstone)
Blohm & Voss Bv P. 204 with Blohm & Voss Bv 246 “Hagelkorn” (Hailstone)
Blohm & Voss Bv P. 204 with Blohm & Voss Bv 246 “Hagelkorn” (Hailstone)
Blohm & Voss Bv P. 204 with Blohm & Voss Bv 246 “Hagelkorn” (Hailstone)
POWER PLANT: Four Junkers Jumo 004C-1 turbojet engines, rated at 1,020 kp thrust each
COMMENT: This Blohm & Voss jet bomber project was designed to carry a great bomb load and enough fuel for long distance operations. There were four different designs, P.188.01 to P.188.04. Common to all was a rather wide fuselage center section – except for the Bv P.188.04 whose fuselage was slender – designed as an armored steel shell and located in the center of gravity. This caused a special arrangement of the landing gear in all projects with twin main wheels in tandem with an auxiliary outrigger landing gear outboard from the wings. Very unusual was the W-type layout of the wings. These had a constant 3 degree dihedral with the inner section swept back to 20 degree and then a 20 degree swept forward outer section. This was calculated to give good performance at both low and high speeds. The only drawback was excessive air pressure on the wing tips, which was to be corrected by a variable incidence system which could be adjusted through 12 degrees. An advantage of this arrangement was the fact that the fuselage was constant horizontal during take-off and landing. The crew sat in a pressured, extensively glazed cockpit. Four Junkers Jumo 004 C-1 turbojets were mounted in four single nacelles, two beneath each wing, again except for the Bv P.188.04 where two engines were combined in one nacelle on each side. Both designs of the Bv P.188.01 and Bv P.188.03 had a single fin and rudder design and an airbrake at the tail, while the Bv P.188.02 and Bv P.188.04 were of a twin fin and rudder design, with a dihedral tail-plane and the extreme tail had a remote-controlled FDL 131 Z twin 13mm machine guns firing to the rear. All these futuristic designs remained on the drawing boards (Ref.: 17).
POWER PLANT: One BMW 803, a combination of two BMW 801 radial engines, coupled back to back, rated at 3,847 hp, driving three-bladed contra-rotating propellers
COMMENT: This very unorthodox Blohm & Voss design of a single-engine heavy attack bomber dates back to 1942. Basic concept was the construction of a heavy aircraft around the most powerful engines available in Germany at that time. Two versions were proposed to the RLM differing primarily in the power units. While the Bv P. 163.01 was powered by a Daimler-Benz DB 613C liquid-cooled engine, a side-by-side arrangement of two DB 603G engines, rated together at 3,800 hp, the Bv P. 163.02 was to be powered by a BMW 803 engine, a back-to-back combination of two BMW 801 radial engines, rated at 3,850 hp. All engines drove three-blades, contra-rotating propellers. Very unusual were the location of the cockpits for crew-members. The pilot and navigator/radio operator sat in a nacelle located at the extreme end of port wing, with a rear gunner in a turret with two twin mounted MG 151 15mm machine guns to the rear. Another nacelle was located on the starboard wingtip and was manned by two gunners, one firing a machine gun forward from the front and a second from turret on the top of the nacelle, the other gunner sat in a turret at the rear, also with two machine guns. The bomb-bay was located mid-fuselage, over-load bombs could be carried under wing-root mounted racks. In order to test this unusual arrangement an asymmetrical Blohm & Voss Bv 141 was equipped with a second cockpit installed on the wingtip, the controls coupled with those in the main cockpit. The results showed that this arrangement warranted no advantage and the projects were cancelled (Ref.: 17).
POWER PLANT: Two Heinkel-Hirth HeS-11 turbojet engines, rated at 1,500kp
PERFORMANCE: 596 mph, estimated
COMMENT: In August 1944 the Gotha Aircraft Company was given the order of series production of the Horten Ho IX flying wing fighter, designated Go 229A. But additionally, in January 1945 the Gotha engineers proposed a series of altrenate all-wing design to the RLM which used many of the construction techniques as the Horten aircraft but had the advantage of being able to be modified with new equipment and engines without changing the flying characteristics. Three designs were proposed, and designation Gotha Go P.60A, Go P.60B, and Go P.60C was given. All were of delta-shaped., flying wing design, and powered by two turbojet engines at the rear end, one engine above the wing, the other slung under the fuselage. A two men crew sat in a pressurized and armored cockpit, located in the extreme nose. For its duty as night fighter the aircraft was equipped with the most modern radar available at that time. The Gotha Go P.60A was powered by two BMW 003A-1 turbojet engines, rated at 800 kp each, the crew laid in prone position. The Gotha Go P.60B was a further development of the P.60 series which simplified construction by utilizing an easier to build airframe and a conventional rudder. The two-seat cockpit was located behind the radar equipment in a fuselage section. The two engines were upgraded to Heinkel-Hirth HeS 011 turbojets. The RLM approved the construction of the project in 1945, but later construction of the prototype was halted in favor of the Go P.60C. This was the final design of the Gotha Go P.60 series, the P.60C night fighter. The fuselage was lengthened to accommodate the installation of the newest radar set with its “Morgenstern” (Morningstar) or the the FuG 240 “Berlin” antenna. The end of the war prevented further development (Ref.: 16).
POWER PLANT: Two Daimler-Benz DB 603E inline engines, rated at 2.400 hp each, driving contra-rotating propellers
COMMENT: This Heinkel Vertical Take Off and Landing (VTOL) fighter/interceptor project was based on an earlier design, the Heinkel “Wespe” (Wasp). Work on the design started at the Heinkel Company in Vienna on February 25, 1945 and was completed on March 8, 1945. The “Lerche” (Lark) employed a ducted wing planform with contra-rotating propellers, powered by two Daimler-Benz DB 605E engines. This arrangement increased the effectiveness of the airscrews dramatically. During flight the pilot lied in a prone position in the extreme nose, while standing upright during take-off and landing. Projected armament was two MK 108 30mm cannon. The end of the war brought any realization to a termination. After the war this idea of a tail sitter was developed further by the US Navy, e. g. Convair XFY-1 Pogo and Lockheed XFV-1 Salmon (Ref.: 16).
POWER PLANT: One Heinkel-Hirth HeS011 turbojet engine, rated at 1,300 kp
PERFORMANCE: 570 mph at 20,000 ft
COMMENT: This night fighter project Me P.1101 NJ (Nachtjäger, Night fighter (or Me P.1101B-1) was derived from the Me P.1101A-1. It was equipped with Siemens/FFO FuG 218 J3 Neptun interception radar. Although the radar antennae (Hirschgeweihantenne, Stag’s Antlers) was rather small compared those of twin engine night fighters such as Junkers Ju 88C, Ju 388J-1, or Focke-Wulf Ta 154 the maximum speed was reduced by about 40 mph. This project was never realized.
POWER PLANT: Heinkel-Hirth HeS 011, rated at 1,300 kp
PERFORMANCE: 612 mph at 22,970 ft
COMMENT: However, there is some evidence that a further production version of the Me P.1101 was on Messerschmitt’s drawing boards. All over dimensions, turbojet engines, tricycle undercarriage etc. are unchanged to its predecessor, the wing was swept back to 40 degree and a normal or horizontal tail unit – “T-Tail” was provided. Cockpit armor was fitted and up to four Kramer X-4 air-to-air guided missiles could be carried.
The Kramer X-4 was the first air-to-air guided missile that entered the production lines. It featured a tapering, cigar-shaped fuselage, with four small swept wings and four smaller tail fins. At the ends of two of the opposing wings were small pods which held the wires that unwound during the X-4’s flight. On the wing tips of the other two main wings were simple flares to aid the pilot in keeping the X-4 on the intended path. The tail unit contained small spoilers which could control the missiles pitch and yaw. Power was supplied by the BMW 109-548 liquid-fuel rocket engine with 1,600 kp thrust for 33 seconds. A warhead weighing 20 with a destructive blast radius of 25 feet was mounted in the nose of the missile, being detonated by the pilot, impact or by an acoustical proximity fuse, tuned to the pitch of the bomber’s propellers. First air launched test took place on August, 1944 by a Focke-Wulf Fw 190. Tests continued through early February 1945, also by Junkers Ju 88s as well as by a Messerschmitt Me 262 jet fighter with two X-4 missiles under the wings outboard of the jet nacelle, but were not launched (Ref.: 16).
POWER PLANT: One Heinkel-Hirth HeS 011 turbojet engine, rated at 1,300 kp
PERFORMANCE: 550 mph at 23,000 ft
COMMENT: Although the Messerschmitt Me P.1101 was from the onset designed as an experimental aircraft different production versions were planned, too. One design was very similar to the Me P.1101 V1 as far as all over dimensions, turbojet engines, tricycle undercarriage etc. are concerned, but the wing was in a fixed position at 40 degree and a horizontal tail unit – “T-Tail” was provided. The unconditional surrender of Germany brought all further work on this exceptional aircraft to an end (Ref.: 16).
Messerschmitt Me. P.1101A-0
Messerschmitt Me. P.1101A-0
Messerschmitt Me. P.1101A-0
Messerschmitt Me. P.1101A-0
Messerschmitt Me. P.1101A-0
Messerschmitt Me. P.1101A-0
Messerschmitt Me. P.1101A-0
Messerschmitt Me P.1101 V1 and Messerschmitt Me. P.1101A-0
Messerschmitt Me. P.1101A-0
Messerschmitt Me. P.1101A-0
Messerschmitt Me. P.1101A-0
Messerschmitt Me. P.1101A-0
Messerschmitt Me. P.1101A-0
Messerschmitt Me. P.1101A-0
Messerschmitt Me. P.1101A-0
Scale 1:72 aircraft models of World War II
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