Category Archives: Nightfighter


Junkers Ju 88G-7b, 2./NJG5 (Italeri, Parts from Hasegawa)

TYPE: Night and Bad-weather Fighter


POWER PLANT: Two Junkers Jumo 213E, rated at 1,725 h.p. each

PERFORMANCE: 402 m.p.h. at 29,800 ft

COMMENT: The Ju 88G-7 was the final version of the Ju 88 night fighter to attain production status. The Ju 88G-7b was equipped with a FuG 218 “Neptun VR” radar and a single-pole “Morgenstern” (Morning Star) aerial array and a FUG 220 “Lichtenstein SN-2” Tail warning radar

Junkers Ju 88C-6b, 2./NJG2 (Revell, Parts from Italeri)

TYPE: Night and Bad Weather Fighter

ACCOMMODATION: Crew of three

POWER PLANT: Two Junkers Jumo 211J-2, rated at 1,350 h.p. each

PERFORMANCE: 303 m.p.h. at 19,700 ft

COMMENT: The Junkers Ju 88C-6b was the first radar equipped Junkers night fighter with either FuG 202 “Lichtenstein BC” or FuG 212 “Lichtenstein C-1”. Later variants were equipped with the  FuG “Lichtenstein SN-2” radar with “Hirschgeweih Antennen” (Stag’s Antlers)

Junkers Ju 88G-6c, 7./NJG5 (Italeri, Parts from Hasegawa)

TYPE: Night and bad weather fighter


POWER PLANT: Two Junkers Jumo 213A, rated at 1,750 h.p. each

PERFORMANCE: 331 m.p.h. at 19,400 ft

COMMENT: The Junkers Ju 88G variants possessed various radar functions e. g. a forward searching radar for target acquisition (FuG 218 “Neptun GR”) , a rearward defensive warning radar, and a passive radar FuG 350Z “Naxos” for detecting the signals from the H2S ground-mapping radar, used by night-flying British Bombers


Focke-Wulf Ta 154A-0 “Moskito” (Hasegawa)

TYPE: Night and Bad-weather fighter

ACCOMMODATION: Pilot and Radar observer

POWER PLANT: Two Junkers Jumo 213E, rated at 1,750 h.p. each

PERFORMANCE: 404 m.p.h. at 23,250 ft.

COMMENT: The Ta 154V 15, the eighth pre-production  Ta 154A-0, was equipped with the FuG 220 Lichtenstein SN-2 radar, fitted with a “Hirschgeweih” (Stag’s Antlers) antennae array

Focke-Wulf Ta 154V3 “Moskito” (Hasegawa)

TYPE: Night and bad-weather fighter

ACCOMMODATION: Pilot and Radar observer

POWER PLANT: Two Junkers Jumo 213E, rated at 1,750 h.p. each

PERFORMANCE: 404 m.p.h. at 23,250 ft

COMMENT: This Ta 154V3, also designated Ta 154A-03/U1, was the first pre-production aircraft. It was equipped with a FuG 212 Lichtenstein C-1 radar, fitted with “Matratzen” (Mattress) antennae array. An order for 250 Ta 154A-1 fighters was placed, but only a few produced.

Focke-Wulf Ta 211 (Pioneer, Parts scratch built)

TYPE: Fast attack bomber, Night and Bad-weather Fighter. Project.

ACCOMMODATION: Pilot and Radar-observer

POWER PLANT: Junkers Jumo 211R, rated at 1,322 h.p. each

PERFORMANCE: 400 m.p.h. (estimated)

COMMENT: The Focke-Wulf Ta 211, designed by Prof. K. Tank and his team and what was named after the Jumo 211R engine to be used, was the first design what later became  the Focke-Wulf Ta 154. The idea was to design a plane that was comparable or even better than the de Havilland “Mosquito”. In the form shown here, equipped with FuG 217 Neptune radar, it never flew (Ref.: 19).

Junkers Ju 388J-1V4 (Airmodel, Vacu, Parts from Italeri)

TYPE: Night and All-weather Interceptor


POWER PLANT: Two BMW 801TJ, rated at 1,410 h.p. at 40,300 ft each

PERFORMANCE: 362 m.p.h. at 40,300 ft

COMMENT: With the Ju 388J-1V4 the FuG 220 “Lichtenstein SN-2” radar with “Hirschgeweih” aerial array was replaced by FuG 218 “Neptun” with a pointed wooden nose cone enclosing much of the “Morgenstern”-type antennae. Also, the FuG 350 “Naxos Z” was built into the “Morgenstern” compartment to receive H2S emissions. A “schräge Musik” arrangement of two 20-mm MG 151 cannon was introduced in the aft fuselage. These weapons fired obliquely upward at an angle of 70° from the horizontal.

Junkers Ju 388J-1V2 “Störtebecker” (Airmodel, Vacu, Parts from Italeri)

TYPE: High Altitude Night and Bad-weather Fighter


POWER PLANT: Two BMW 801TJ rated at 1,890 h.p. at 9,840 ft each

PERFORMANCE: 362 m.p.h. at 40,300 ft

COMMENT: This prototype was converted from a Ju 188T and carried a FuG 220 “Lichtenstein SN-2” radar with “Hirschgeweih” (Stag’s Antlers) aerial array and an assymetrically mounted “Waffentropfen” (Weapon Drops) under portside mid-fuselage. This held two forward-firing 20-mm MG 151 cannons and two 30-mm MK 108 cannons. A remotely-controlled twin-gun tail barbette with MG 131Z cannons was aimed by means of a PVE 11 double periscopic sight. The code name “Störtebecker” is a reminiscent of a legendary German pirate of the 14th century